Rookie of the Year

2024Rookie of the YearImage of Albert JanAlbert Jan
2023Rookie of the YearImage of Kathi-Chariot NinoKathi-Chariot Nino
2022Rookie of the YearImage of Patrick LouisPatrick Louis
2017Rookie of the YearImage of Norek LukasNorek Lukas
2016Rookie of the YearImage of Bradley IanBradley Ian
2015Rookie of the YearImage of Fleischmann AnatolFleischmann Anatol
2014Rookie of the YearImage of Fisher HenryFisher Henry
2013Rookie of the YearImage of Schadler NicholasSchadler Nicholas
2012Rookie of the YearImage of Schneeberger NicoleSchneeberger Nicole
2011Rookie of the YearImage of Feitzinger GerhardFeitzinger Gerhard
2010Rookie of the YearImage of Donahue BrendanDonahue Brendan
2009Rookie of the YearImage of Hurt RobertHurt Robert
2008Rookie of the YearImage of Ceska MarcelCeska Marcel
2007Rookie of the YearImage of Alzinger RichardAlzinger Richard
2006Rookie of the YearImage of Brenner PhilippBrenner Philipp
2005Rookie of the YearImage of Hascha StefanHascha Stefan
2004Rookie of the YearImage of Weiser Jr. HubertWeiser Jr. Hubert
2003Rookie of the YearImage of Letouzé DidierLetouzé Didier
2002Rookie of the YearImage of Lipiarski PhilippLipiarski Philipp
2001Rookie of the YearImage of Härtel LorenzHärtel Lorenz
2000Rookie of the YearImage of Uzelac DanielUzelac Daniel
1999Rookie of the YearImage of Santos PabloSantos Pablo
1998Rookie of the YearImage of Wilfing MoritzWilfing Moritz
1997Rookie of the YearImage of Niebauer MarcoNiebauer Marco
1996Rookie of the YearImage of Szedlaczek ClemensSzedlaczek Clemens

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