Most Valuable Player

2024Most Valuable PlayerImage of Patrick LouisPatrick Louis
2023Most Valuable PlayerImage of Viertl LukasViertl Lukas
2022Most Valuable PlayerImage of Albert MathiasAlbert Mathias
2017Most Valuable PlayerImage of Kainz JohannesKainz Johannes
2016Most Valuable PlayerImage of Schadler NicholasSchadler Nicholas
2015Most Valuable PlayerImage of Schadler NicholasSchadler Nicholas
2014Most Valuable PlayerImage of Schadler NicholasSchadler Nicholas
2013Most Valuable PlayerImage of Devenport AlexDevenport Alex
2012Most Valuable PlayerImage of Tavares ReyminTavares Reymin
2011Most Valuable PlayerImage of Dueñas OmarDueñas Omar
2010Most Valuable PlayerImage of Ceska MarcelCeska Marcel
2009Most Valuable PlayerImage of Alzinger RichardAlzinger Richard
2008Most Valuable PlayerImage of Alzinger RichardAlzinger Richard
2007Most Valuable PlayerImage of Brenner PhilippBrenner Philipp
2006Most Valuable PlayerImage of Dorffner DavidDorffner David
2005Most Valuable PlayerImage of Bernacki ChristophBernacki Christoph
2004Most Valuable PlayerImage of Bernacki ChristophBernacki Christoph
2003Most Valuable PlayerImage of Uzelac DanielUzelac Daniel
2002Most Valuable PlayerImage of Rigele LukasRigele Lukas
2001Most Valuable PlayerImage of Rigele LukasRigele Lukas
2000Most Valuable PlayerImage of Haisjackl FranzHaisjackl Franz
1999Most Valuable PlayerImage of Ferak Jr. PeterFerak Jr. Peter
1998Most Valuable PlayerImage of Körber DavidKörber David
1997Most Valuable PlayerImage of Ferak Jr. PeterFerak Jr. Peter
1996Most Valuable PlayerImage of Schmid BernhardSchmid Bernhard

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