Best Batter

2024Best BatterImage of Sillipp ElisabethSillipp Elisabeth
2023Best BatterImage of Donau LarissaDonau Larissa
2023Best Batter Softball BundesligaImage of Toschi DaniellaToschi Daniella
2022Best BatterImage of Donau LarissaDonau Larissa
2021Best BatterImage of Cartes ValentinaCartes Valentina
2019Best BatterImage of Cartes ValentinaCartes Valentina
2018Best BatterImage of Cartes ValentinaCartes Valentina
2018Best Batter Austrian Softball LeagueImage of Thomas NicoleThomas Nicole
2017Best BatterImage of Vinzenz KiyomiVinzenz Kiyomi
2017Best Batter Austrian Softball LeagueImage of Thomas LindsayThomas Lindsay
2016Best BatterImage of Cartes ValentinaCartes Valentina
2015Best BatterImage of Schneeberger NicoleSchneeberger Nicole
2015Best Batter Austrian Softball LeagueImage of Schneeberger NicoleSchneeberger Nicole
2014Best BatterImage of Schneeberger NicoleSchneeberger Nicole
2013Best BatterImage of Weiser JuliaWeiser Julia
2012Best BatterImage of Farnleitner ChristineFarnleitner Christine
2011Best BatterImage of Weiser JuliaWeiser Julia
2010Best BatterImage of Ferak ValeriaFerak Valeria
2009Best BatterImage of Rauch CatharinaRauch Catharina
2008Best BatterImage of Rauch CatharinaRauch Catharina
2007Best BatterImage of Schneeberger KatrinSchneeberger Katrin
2006Best BatterImage of Koch SandraKoch Sandra
2005Best BatterImage of Patrick SelinPatrick Selin
2004Best BatterImage of Patrick SelinPatrick Selin
2003Best BatterImage of Chwojka CamillaChwojka Camilla
2002Best BatterImage of Patrick SelinPatrick Selin
2000Best BatterImage of Holzhacker DorisHolzhacker Doris
1999Best BatterImage of Patrick SelinPatrick Selin
1998Best BatterImage of Schneeberger KatrinSchneeberger Katrin

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