Most Valuable PlayerImage of Ploteny JakobPloteny Jakob
Best PitcherImage of Petracs LarsPetracs Lars
Best BatterImage of Ploteny JakobPloteny Jakob
Teammate of the YearImage of Karadag HamzaKaradag Hamza
Rookie of the YearImage of Alteneichinger TobiasAlteneichinger Tobias
Gold Glove Baseball Landesliga Ost 3BImage of Ploteny JakobPloteny Jakob


Most Valuable PlayerImage of Kubelka ThomasKubelka Thomas
Best PitcherImage of Rauch LutzRauch Lutz
Best BatterImage of Kubelka ThomasKubelka Thomas
Teammate of the YearImage of Toth MarkusToth Markus
Rookie of the YearImage of Bright ChristopherBright Christopher
Rookie of the Year Baseball Landesliga OstImage of Zaric JonasZaric Jonas
Gold Glove Baseball Landesliga Ost PImage of Sojka PavelSojka Pavel
Silver Slugger Baseball Landesliga Ost CFImage of Kubelka ThomasKubelka Thomas

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