Austrian Softball League 2004
1.Logo St. Pölten Pee Wees St. Pölten.3702466424519333160144258.4951225401.49051197-108
2.Logo Softball Club Sharx Dornbirn Sharx.3732466523719927154151268.50210211400.47861144-48
3.Logo Vienna Wanderers Vienna Wanderers.4242447817317024161123229.5715811350.5035350-55
4.Logo Stock City Cubs Stock City Rag Dolls.26024522118112229077152.353758594.3791824-28
5.Logo Vienna Metrostars Vienna Mosquitoes.26824628167135152193157.3129918822.4060866-76
6.Logo Witches Linz Witches Linz.22024429757112304489.2769115632.4131020-33
7.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt.265243778485113046102.318457411.3643136-41


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