2. Baseball Bundesliga Ost 2023
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew.29410451310220716.4717240.422203-3
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.333208115212011826.413124140.457202-2
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.367166517182101122.44914030.492208-10
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Bednar Jan.2005183300013.2003050.333000-0
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael.276186912163001819.32810152.391000-0
6.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Mezgolits Christoph.08714379200042.08712292.432000-0
7.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.298206611141001615.31916342.500001-1
8.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Röger Ralf.0677204100021.0675081.300000-0
9.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ehrenhöfer Walter.333283110022.6672300.750002-2
10.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Novakovic Kristian.000210000000.0000000.000000-0
11.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton.405124817152111122.59511010.542005-5
12.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ecker Bernd.000590000000.0002070.222000-0
13.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Schmidl Bernd.13311364410085.16760120.278001-1
14.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas.23917581311100412.261102141.397001-2
15.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Horky Daniel Christoph.13314477420036.200152120.447005-6
16.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Moser Peter.2506184300023.2506020.500001-2
17.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter.31516691617100718.33313151.4560114-15
18.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas.241207013130001213.241142100.414005-6
19.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Burian Harald.250462100001.2500230.500000-0

Category Leaders

Batting Average
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton.405
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.367
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.333
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter.315
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.298
Onbase percentage
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton.542
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.500
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.492
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.457
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter.456
Slugging Percentage
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton.595
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.449
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.413
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter.333
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael.328
On-base plus slugging
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton1.127
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.941
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.870
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.819
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter.789
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton17
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel17
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter16
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg15
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew13
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg21
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel18
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter17
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael16
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton15
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael18
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg18
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian16
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas12
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel11
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael3
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew2
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton2
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg2
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Horky Daniel Christoph2
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew2
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel1
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton1
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg1
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton1
Total Bases
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg26
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton22
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel22
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael19
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter18
Base on Balls
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian16
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Horky Daniel Christoph15
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas14
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel14
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter13
Hit by Pitches
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg4
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian3
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ehrenhöfer Walter3
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Burian Harald2
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew2
Sac Hits
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter1
Sac Flies
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg2
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel2
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew2
Stolen Bases
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter14
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel8
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Horky Daniel Christoph5
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton5
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas5
Caught Stealings
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel2
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas1
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Horky Daniel Christoph1
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Moser Peter1
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter1
Plate Appearances
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg81
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas70
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter69
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael69
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian66
Grounded into Doubleplays
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian2
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael2
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Mezgolits Christoph2
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Röger Ralf1
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas1
Runs pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ehrenhöfer Walter1.50
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton1.42
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew1.30
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel1.06
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter1.00
Hits pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton1.25
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel1.13
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter1.06
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg1.05
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew1.00
RBI pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ehrenhöfer Walter1.00
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael1.00
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton0.92
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg0.90
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian0.80
Doubles pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ehrenhöfer Walter0.50
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew0.20
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton0.17
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael0.17
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Horky Daniel Christoph0.14
Triples pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew0.20
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton0.08
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel0.06
Homeruns pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton0.08
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg0.05
Total Bases pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton1.83
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew1.60
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel1.38
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg1.30
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter1.13
Base on Balls pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Horky Daniel Christoph1.07
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Moser Peter1.00
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ehrenhöfer Walter1.00
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton0.92
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel0.88
Hit by Pitches pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ehrenhöfer Walter1.50
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Burian Harald0.50
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg0.20
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew0.20
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian0.15
Sac Hits pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter0.06
Sac Flies pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew0.20
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel0.13
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg0.10
Stolen Bases pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ehrenhöfer Walter1.00
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter0.88
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel0.50
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton0.42
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Horky Daniel Christoph0.36
Caught Stealings pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Moser Peter0.17
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel0.13
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Horky Daniel Christoph0.07
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas0.06
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter0.06
Plate Appearances pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew4.50
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter4.31
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel4.06
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg4.05
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ehrenhöfer Walter4.00
Grounded into Doubleplays pro Spiel
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Röger Ralf0.14
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Mezgolits Christoph0.14
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael0.11
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian0.10
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas0.06
Avg vs right
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton.441
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.354
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.310
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter.294
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew.281
Avg vs left
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.600
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Schmidl Bernd.250
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas.200
Avg Bases empty
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.500
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton.438
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.316
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter.281
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.211
Avg 2-Outs
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael.333
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.333
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.313
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton.313
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas.278
Avg mit Runner
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.357
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael.341
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.341
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.303
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas.270
Avg Scoring Position
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton.444
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.381
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas.333
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.286
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.267
Avg Bases Loaded
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.571
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter.500
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas.333
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.286
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas.167
Runners advanced
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg78
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael75
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas65
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian63
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel54
Runners advanced Percentage
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.595
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel.591
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas.549
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael.547
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg.536
Pinch Hit Appearances
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Burian Harald3
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Ecker Bernd2
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Röger Ralf1
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas1
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian1
Pinch Hits
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas1
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Burian Harald1
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Röger Ralf1
Pinch Hit Average
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas1.000
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Röger Ralf1.000
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Burian Harald.333
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian.000
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Mezgolits Christoph.000
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel17
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Alley Matthew16
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg15
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton13
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter13
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael24
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter18
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Soffried Thomas16
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian16
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas11
RBI mit zwei Outs
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael7
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg7
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian7
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Barnes Easton5
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Nemeskeri Peter4
Runners left on base
1.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Dorner Jörg23
2.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Lag Lukas21
3.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Vickery Joel20
4.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rigby Michael20
5.Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Suchard Christian14

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