Baseball Landesliga Ost 2022
1.Logo Danube Titans Danube Titans3152239277.804374.19601.0008
2.Logo Schwechat Blue Bats Schwechat Blue Bats 234123910244.8861079.2458.84910
3.Logo Vienna Lawnmowers Vienna Lawnmowers34423710739.898479.0801.9889
4.Logo Vienna Metrostars 3 Vienna Metrostars 33002109072.806770.0839.90212
5.Logo Schremser Beers Schremser Beers32421910530.915773.0287.8008
6.Logo Vienna Bucks Vienna Bucks29419410052.850164.2792.97512
7.Logo Woodquarter Red Devils Woodquarter Red Devils2741957955.833365.01182.98314
8.Logo Stock City Cubs Stock City Cubs 22792166340.875472.0682.9719


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