Austrian Softball League 2013
1.Logo Vienna Metrostars Vienna Mosquitoes.3342472924120020132155252.4211077731.439214111-117
2.Logo Softball Club Sharx Dornbirn Sharx.3492461220117533217151271.5408119621.4535525-27
3.Logo Vienna Wanderers Vienna Wanderers.3512465319620026192139270.47562111042.4225631-35
4.Logo St. Pölten Pee Wees St. Pölten.338246531931792287135238.4508923732.4505725-29
5.Logo Witches Linz Witches Linz.25624586138123156791171.3569231210.3773740-45
6.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt.25124526125107137179137.32179171261.3880367-80
7.Logo Vienna Bucks Bucks Banshees.1522436868372005339.16010718732.4400018-26


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