Austrian Softball League 2017
1.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Kaindl Ina989443.9701124.2102.8330
2.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Robinson Chelsea6236263.9542124.2121.9231
3.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Unterrainer Victoria10310034.9634120.100.0000
4.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Benckendorff Mara6230327.8991114.200.0000
5.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Ponweiser Verena5131206.8951124.200.0000
6.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Weis Yvonne32141812.7270124.200.0000
7.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt McGarry Louise403283.930099.000.0000
8.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Prevedel Kaycee3414203.9192114.200.0000
9.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Leinweber Paula161064.8000104.200.0000
10.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Reiter Angela6332.750014.100.0000
11.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Burian Laila76101.000023.000.0000
12.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Kornfeld Janine2201.667012.000.0000
13.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Egger Alexandra22001.000018.200.0000
14.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Clauss Greta0000.00002.000.0000


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