Austrian Softball League 2002
1.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Wall Krista81136810.8900135.011.5000
2.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Jantscher Anna5225277.8810119.100.0000
3.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Schwarzenecker Evelyn5432229.8573119.100.0000
4.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Hejhal Andrea3517189.7951121.100.0000
5.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Jantscher Therese837675.9430105.1472.95918
6.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Sauerwein Elisabeth10376.625061.000.0000
7.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Weis Yvonne125701.000013.000.0000
8.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Alteneder Saskia9389410.9031119.100.0000
9.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Gaubitzer Eva272436.8180120.100.0000
10.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Artner Dominique5235.500032.100.0000
11.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Chapat Catherine85301.000019.000.0000
12.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Kampichler Kathrin807825.941096.100.0000
13.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Slesakova Dasa141221.933033.082.8004
14.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Koch Ines5411.833026.000.0000
15.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Fridecky Maria43101.000147.000.0000
16.Logo Crazy Chicklets Wr. Neustadt Kühbauer Lisa0001.000011.000.0000


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