2. Baseball Bundesliga Ost (2009 - 2025)
2015Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rohrbach Crazy Geese6111324.2651681812130.3445.54156
2016Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rohrbach Crazy Geese3xx171128.3412842796226.4446.18160
2017Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rohrbach Crazy Geese4161226.31724322111193.4545.92139
2018Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rohrbach Crazy Geese4x81220.256121136197.3258.6289
2019Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rohrbach Crazy Geese591524.2861801865153.3718.4184
2020Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rohrbach Crazy Geese54610.2616072039.3269.0037
2021Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rohrbach Crazy Geese551114.2518784164.30514.452
2022Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rohrbach Crazy Geese661822.2441591432117.30210.493
2023Logo Rohrbach Crazy Geese Rohrbach Crazy Geese3101222.2651631542126.3208.28137


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